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WY135DMore Hunts from this outfitter
Hunt Description
This outfitter holds the hunting rights to over 60,000 acres of private land in Region K in southwestern Wyoming. These ranches are lightly hunted to insure a quality experience and keep top quality mule deer bucks from year to year. The terrain on these ranches is not real strenuous with elevation changes being only around 1,000 feet. Though to maximize the probability of being able to take the best bucks, hunters should be in good physical condition.
Region K in the southwest corner of Wyoming contains a high percentage of private land making it difficult to hunt effectively without access. This private land limits the annual harvest in some areas giving bucks the chance to reach maturity.
Tags to hunt Region K must be drawn. The odds of drawing a random permit typically runs in the 10-20 percent range in the standard drawing and 25-50% in the special. Once accumulating 2-3 points the permit should be guaranteed. Points are purchased in the fall while permit applications are submitted in March.
Many bucks taken exceed the 180 mark with some breaking 200. With the quality of mule deer taken on these private ranches, this outfitter fills his camp early. Though you do not have to apply until March, it is recommended that you book in January if not sooner.
Weapon Archery, Rifle
Date Duration 4 Days
Animal Quality 175-200
Permit License Pricing Standard - $389 / Special - $1,215 / Point only - $41
Permit Method Drawing
Price $6,500
Included Meals, lodging and transportation on the ranch, game care with transport to processor
Not Included Licensing, Transportation to Evanston WY.
Closest Airport Salt Lake City - 85 Mi
Phone 801-979-8843 (Jon)
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