HuntersTrailhead Hunting Research Database
Are you looking for information that will help you with those all important annual hunt application decisions? Well look no further! You have found HuntersTrailhead, the webs premier online hunt research database. After researching your hunt options, you will no longer have to blindly apply for those coveted hunting permits. HuntersTrailhead can not guarantee that you will draw every tag you apply for, but you may find where those guarantees exist. Begin your annual (365-day) membership today for only $34.95 and gain immediate access the the most comprehensive hunting research system on the web. Available states include:
Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming.
Our research systems include:
1. Drawing Odds Database
2. Hunt Filter System
3. Hunter Success Rates
4. Past Hunter Contacts
5. Priority Hunt Notifications
6. Unit Ratings
7. Public land analysis
8. Unit trophy potential assessments
9. Ease of access assessments
10. Unit landownership maps with unit boundaries
11. Application deadline reminders
12. Unit specific forum discussions
13. Personal research portfolio
Further details on each feature is available below.
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Research Database Features Include.....
Original HuntersTrailhead Drawing Odds Database |
The original drawing odds database that thousands have come to depend on and trust when researching their annual hunt applications. Multiple years of drawing odds and application rate history presented in an easy to read format.
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Hunt Filtration System |
Filter the hunt database to show only those hunts that fit your filtration criteria. The filter results click through to the details page for the specified hunt. 6 different criteria can be used in the filtration process.

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Hunter Success Trending |
Understand the hunter success rates before burning your preference or bonus points on a low success hunt.
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Past Hunter Contacts** |
Part of any serious scouting effort includes talking with people that have hunted the area before. Members can access the list of past hunters, with their contact information, who are willing to talk about their experience in the area.
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Hunt Availability Notifications |
We work with many outfitters and landowners throughout the western states. Many of these operators contact HuntersTrailhead when they have a hunt opening, landowner tag or voucher available. By becoming a HuntersTrailhead member, you will receive priority notification about these opportunities.
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Unit Ratings |
Each unit has been meticulously analyzed and researched considering 3 important factors. In conducting this analysis we spoke with biologists, game managers, outfitters and guides, individual hunters and in many cases, personal experience. The results of this analysis was combined to develop an individual unit rating. Using the 5-Star method, you easily identify those units that are most likely to meet your hunting expectations.
3 rating factors include:
Trophy Potential by Species
Public vs. Private Land
5-years of Hunter Success
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Unit Analysis
Unit Trophy Potential
Land Ownership Analysis
Success Rate Analysis
Each of the factors that went into developing the Unit Rating are part of the Unit Analysis. These values are displayed in the analysis block and are factors that can be used in the hunt filter feature.
Trophy Potential - High on most every hunter's list of priorities when choosing an area to apply is the potential of taking a trophy class animal. However, what constitutes a trophy is different for everyone. Here at HuntersTrailhead we have developed a unique scale that defines the trophy potential on each unit.
Landownership - There is no point applying to hunt a unit if you are not going to be able to access the hunting area due to private land issues. Use this score in the filtration system to eliminate those areas you are going to have difficulty accessing.
Success Rate Analysis - HuntersTrailhead has detailed success rates for years. However, these success rates are now an integral part of each unit's overall rating.

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Ease of Access Assessment |
This assessment is much different than the public vs. private land analysis and is not factored into the overall unit rating measurement. A great hunt for one hunter may include being able to get around easily on an ATV or in a 4x4 while for someone else, a great hunt requires strapping on a backpack and getting away from the motorized traffic and into the back country. Use this measurement to identify those areas that fit your hunting preferences. This assessment is broken into 7 categories and can be used in the filtration system.
Accessibility Assessment Definitions
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Landownership Maps |
To backup the unit Landownership analysis is a new mapping feature with google maps powering the base layer. View each unit with only the boundaries visible over a topographical relief map. Also, where applicable, switch on private land hunts that require a special permit to access (red boundaries). Change that view to the satellite view or overlay either layer with the BLM landownership maps. These maps detail public land managed by the US Forest Service, BLM and State Owned Land. These maps also show privately owned land, military bases, National Parks and Indian Reservation lands.

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Application Deadline Reminders |
Have you ever missed an application deadline? Or lost a bonus point because your application was received too late? HuntersTrailhead is now offering an Application Deadline Reminder service to all members. In your personal hunt portfolio, set up your own application reminder system. Select the state and species and HuntersTrailhead will send you a reminder before each state's application deadline. Bonus or Preference points are critical in this game we play. Don't miss another one because the application deadline slipped by unnoticed.
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Unit Specific Forum Discussions
This feature is still under development. |
Many websites have public forums. However, when you are researching a particular unit it can be a bit difficult to find discussions relating to that specific area. Along with general forums, HuntersTrailhead has developed a new system where each unit will have a link to discussions specific to the unit you are researching. Read previous posts, ask questions and interact with those that have experience with the units you are interested in.
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Personal Research Portfolio |
Each member will have the ability to setup and design their own hunt research portfolio. Enter your points for each state and species and you won't have to enter them each time you conduct a database search - they will automatically be entered for you. As you narrow down the many hunt options to the few you are most interested in, add them to your portfolio. When you return to HuntersTrailhead, they will be waiting for you and you will have instant access to them. Eliminate those areas that are not of interest to view your selections side by side.
If you are interested in finding a landowner tag or guided hunt, add them to your portfolio and put HuntersTrailhead to work finding them for you. You will pay nothing extra for this service.
Click Here to begin your membership. |
To become a HuntersTrailhead member, Click Here.
**Past Hunter Contacts - Not every unit in our database have past hunter contacts. However, this list is growing. To prevent abuse, our system will monitor who accesses each unit list and when that access was made. Anyone found to be abusing this system will have their HuntersTrailhead membership terminated with no refund. Abuse includes but is not limited to crank or harassing phone calls, sending of spam mail, posting of this information on any other website, etc. Where necessary, legal action may be taken. |